Saturday, August 13, 2016

What is Stroke?

A stroke is a “brain attack”. It can happen to anyone at any time. It occurs when blood flow to an area of brain is cut off. When this happens, brain cells are deprived of oxygen and begin to die. When brain cells die during a stroke, abilities controlled by that area of the brain such as memory and muscle control are lost.
How a person is affected by their stroke depends on where the stroke occurs in the brain and how much the brain is damaged.
For example, someone who had a small stroke may only have minor problems such as temporary weakness of an arm or leg. People who have larger strokes may be permanently paralyzed on one side of their body or lose their ability to speak. Some people recover completely from strokes, but more than 2/3 of survivors will have some type of disability.

How To Take Care Of A Stroke Patient?

To take care of a stroke patient, one should know, what is Stroke. Here is a brief information :
Definition of Stroke :
A stroke is a condition where a blood clot or ruptured artery or blood vessel interrupts blood flow to an area of the brain.
Types of Stroke :
There are two types of stroke:
a) Ischemic Stroke
b) Hemorrhagic Stroke
Stroke Complication :
A stroke may cause temporary or permanent disabilities, i.e :
A) Swelling in the brain
B) Difficulty in talking and swallowing
C) Bladder control problems
D) Seizures
E) Depression
F) Difficulty in moving limbs
G) Memory loss
Care / Recovery of stroke patient :
1) Vitals parameters : should be monitored strictly to know the variations and to have a first line treatment plan.
2) Medicines : should be administered regularly according to the treating Doctor.
3) Therapy : Stroke survivors can benefit enormously from different therapies though some disabilities may be permanent. Brain injury due to stoke can change the way patient move, feel, think or speak. The effects are greatest right after the attack. Over time, most people will make improvements.
Stroke rehabilitation programs can help, though it will not cure or reverse brain damage. The types of therapy will depend on which part of the brain was damaged. The therapies are :
a) Speech Therapy
b) Physical Therapy and strength training
c) Occupational Therapy (re-learning skills required for daily living)
4) Nutrition : Patient should be kept well nourished through intravenous or through Ryle’s Tube, if the patient is having difficulty in swallowing, to avoid further complications.
5) Personal Hygiene : Daily sponge bath / bathroom bath, clothes changing , mouth care etc has to be taken care to keep good personal hygiene. If the patient is connected to any tubes (such as Tracheostomy, RT, Foley’s catheter), care of the same needs to be taken to avoid infections.
6) Psychological Counseling: Counseling is also an important factor to motivate the patient.
7) Family support: Once the patient is out of danger and in recovering stage family members should give moral support which will boost the patient’s will power to cope-up with the treatment plan and to fasten the recovery.

Stroke By The Numbers

  • Each year nearly 800,000 people experience a new or recurrent stroke.
  • A stroke happens every 40 seconds.
  • Stroke is the fifth leading cause of death in the U.S.
  • Every 4 minutes someone dies from stroke.
  • Up to 80 percent of strokes can be prevented.
  • Stroke is the leading cause of adult disability in the U.S.

How To Prevent Stroke?


Supper Foods that Cleans your Artery

Supper Foods that Cleans Arteryclean_your_arteries-600x600

Your arteries are the rivers within your body that continually transport essential nutrients and oxygen from your heart to the rest of your body. Ganoderma Lucidum and Spirulina are the Supper Foods that can controls you heart activities efficiently:

DXN Ganoderma Lucidum / Reshi Mashroom (Organic)
(Clear Arteries within 4 to 6 months)

Clinical studies and experiments on humans confirms that Ganoderma Lucidum can effectively dilate coronary artery, increase coronary vessel blood flow, and improve circulation in cardiac muscle capillaries, thus increase 6792807 (1)the supply of oxygen to cardiac muscle. Therefore Ganoderma Lucidum helps to protect the heart from shortageof blood supply, and it is ideal for both curing and preventing heart diseases. Ganoderma Lucidum can obviously reduce the level of blood cholesterol, Lipoprotein and Triglycerides in hypertensive patients. It prevents the formation of arterial atheromatous patches.
It showed a significant preventive and therapeutic action against plaque build-up in arteries. (“Plaque” is fatty goo which is comprised of a combination of oxidized cholesterol, calcium, and degenerated white blood cells. It is deposited on the walls of arteries which restricts blood flow by narrowing the passage within arteries.) it also partially improves blood circulation and inhibits platelet aggregation. All these effects contribute to preventing various kind of stroke.

DXN Spirulina (Organic)spirtab500_big

A daily 4,500mg dose of this blue-green algae (usually found in supplement or powder form) can help relax artery walls and normalize blood pressure. It may also help your liver balance your blood fat levels—decreasing your LDL cholesterol by 10 percent and raising HDL cholesterol by 15 percent, according a recent study. Spirulin also contain beta-carotene that helps in protecting the cells and gamma-Linolein acid. Gamma-Linolein acid is considered to be beneficial because of its ability to reduce cholesterol and prevent any heart ailments.

Why DXN?

Why You Should Join DXN?

Knowing the reason WHY is the first thing that every DXN distributor must learn to appreciate this business. Even you’ve shown the beauty of the business to your future business partners they won’t do this business if they don’t know why should they do the business. Letting them know the beauty and the reason to do DXN business will avoid them to easily quit doing the business and share the same vision that we have.

Benefits why you should join DXN right now:

  • Time Freedom, be with who you want, when you want, where you want. No more Bundy clock.
  • Financial Freedom. Buy whatever you want for you and your family.
  • Travel or Vacation where you like to Not where you can merely afford.
  • Give more to charities or community organizations.
  • Bring your spouse at home from work.
  • No daycare for your kids, you can be with them and spend quality time.
  • Send your kids to whatever school you want to.
  • Live where you want.
  • Have the car you want.
  • Help people in need.
  • Inspire people.
  • Educate people.
  • Learn more for yourself.
  • Manage your money better.
  • Have good relationship with your family and friends.
  • Manage your time better.
  • Be more productive and a goal oriented person.
  • Become a leader to create more leaders.
  • Become more confident.
  • Accomplish more dreams.
  • Leave a legacy by helping people reach their goals in life.
  • Teach your children or grandchildren success principles.
  • Be Happier, live a more fulfilling life.
  • Have a better lifestyle.
  • Make new friends, have a closer relationship that is more meaningful.
  • Have a stress free life.
  • Reduce worrying where finance isn’t an issue.
  • Pay off your debt, easily pay your bills.
  • Have friends that share your goals.
  • Have a new family, DXN family.
  • Create a community, became a part of a movement or an evolution of change.
  • Gain a new mindset, be more positive and more optimistic, hang out with positive people who inspire you to be a better person.
  • Be more equipped to overcome challenges easily.
  • Be supported and believed in by a team dedicated to your success.
  • Learn what you always wanted to learn.
  • Time to mentor young adults.
  • Simple business plan and product that’s extremely affordable.
  • Most people loves Coffee,want to become healthy and wealthy.
  • A Stable company that has a right opportunity, it’s a great timing.
  • Low start-up cost business. Saved thousands of money to start your own business from scratch versus traditional businesses.
  • DXN is a multi billion dollar company that promotes wellness, personal development, and financial freedom.
  • Flexible hours, full or part time.
  • Earn bonuses and incentives.
  • Very achievable significant income if you apply yourself.
  • There’s no catches no gimmicks.
  • Extra income
  • You can apply the most powerful and proven tool to success the “Law Of Leverage” for FREE.
  • There’s new hope for new levels of success in your life.
  • It won’t take much of your time to evaluate rather if it’s a match for you or not, all you have to do is to decide if you want to become successful and work it out with DXN team support.

Offline Marketing Vs Online Marketing

Business man drawing a online and offline check box
There are a number of ways in which you can market your products, business opportunity or company but there does seem to be an on-going debate between traditional offline marketing and utilizing online marketing to capture that new audience.
Your marketing practice also allows you to build brand recognition over time, giving you the tools to retain a client base as well as aiming to attract new custom.

Offline Marketing

Offline marketing encompasses a number of different avenues, from traditional print advertising to radio and television adverts and networking. It can be a lot easier for a person with a traditional mindset to see the facts and figures related to offline advertising as opposed to online and can also be an effective tool to keep your brand in the limelight.
Print Advertising: This is seen as one of the most traditional ways of attracting new customers. You can purchase adverts in newspapers and magazine’s on a local or national scale, depending on your budgets, and also have the ability to target readers of specific publications related to your industry. Although it can be an expensive operation, especially for a start-up business, if seen in a well known and trusted publication, you should see a return on your investment.
Direct Mail: Once you have collected a database of information of both customers and potential customers you have the chance to send them direct mail. Direct mail allows you to target individuals with specific messages that are tailored to them, whilst also keeping your company image in their minds on a semi-regular basis, offering discount codes and latest offers. The drawbacks include the cost of mailing potentially thousands of clients and the fact that it can be seen as spam mail and instantly dismissed by the recipient.
Networking & Conferencing: You can’t beat a bit of traditional networking and getting to know people. If you put your name and image to a local or industry networking event or conference you can guarantee that you’re name will be seen by fellow businesses, local suppliers and potential clients and other start-up businesses. With networking it is more about the long haul and getting your name recognized on a long term basis. By being a guest speaker at a conference you can become a well known name in your field.
Business Cards & Brochures: With your business cards, leaflets and brochures you have a chance to make an instant impact with your design, logo and company branding. You should look for start-up business packages that supply you with stationary branding and bespoke brochures that can be sent to prospective clients and give you a familiarity and chance to leave an impression when in a business meeting.


  • Radio
  • Television
  • Billboards
  • Newspapers
  • Magazines
  • Catalogues
  • Brochures
  • Direct Mail

Online Marketing

As much as results from marketing has its roots traditionally in the offline type in recent years the focus has started to shift towards online marketing and making the most of a world where more and more people from all demographics and locations are using the internet.
There are again, a number of different ways in which you can capture a new audience online, from creating a website, blogging, using paid advertising on search engines and utilising the many different social media platforms available, and there are a number of benefits:
Cheaper than Offline: By using online marketing a start-up business can stretch their marketing resources much further than if they solely went down the traditional offline route. Website design and search engine optimization is not cheap if you want to have long term and in-depth campaigns provided by specialists, but it is instantly more rewarding and takes less of your budget than a traditional marketing campaign. There is also a lot you can do online yourself for free or with a low budget, especially when it comes to social media.
Wider Variety of Options: With the internet expanding in capability and users you have a much wider set of options to use in order to entice new customers. From website to blogs, videos to paid advertising, you can test out different ideas and tweak your approach as it is live to ensure the very best outcome for your business. It can be a lot more hands on than offline marketing but there is so much more control in the process.
Track Real Time Results: When marketing online you have more scope for analysis than offline as you are able to see what type of people are replying to your ads, or interacting with you on social media. Quite quickly you can build up a profile of your perfect customer in this way. You also have the ability to put in place tracking codes to determine real time results as they occur, seeing a real return on investment that might not always be apparent at first with offline marketing.
Build Better Customer Care: This goes back to a previous post about generating new clients but it is worth saying again; being online allows you to have real time access to your clients and potential clients. You can hone your customer service skills on a daily basis, react to any praise or criticism instantly and build up a rapport with your audience, something that is just not possible with offline marketing.
Instant Conversions: Online marketing can produce instant conversions from potential clients. Whereas an advert in a newspaper might take some time to design, develop, edit and then to be printed, published and sold, an online advert can be up in a matter of hours. In this respect you could develop a number of campaigns and reach new leads and conversions before a print advert has even left your desk.
Online Marketing provides start-up businesses with an exciting challenge and a way of reaching people all over the world in an instance. In reality your marketing stance will reflect the size of your business, the budget you are working with and the type of people you are trying to attract as customers. Test out different methods, track and analyze your results and very often you will find a compromise between a few different strands of marketing that work for you.


  • Content Marketing
  • Blogging
  • E-mail Marketing
  • Social Media
  • Mobile Marketing
  • Google Advertising
  • Facebook Ads
  • E-Stores
  • Banners

Online Networking

Thousands of people are looking for the real opportunity of making money on the internet.

 To make money on the internet you only need three things

  1. A marketable product or service.
  2. A marketing website.
  3. Stable  customer base.

If any of the above conditions is missing, the online money making will not work. I have got  good news, we can provide you all of  the three conditions.

  1. A Most of the adult population consumes coffee, or to be more specific they are addicted to coffee.We have an alternative, a coffee which has beneficial effect, and there is a great need of it.
  2. In cooperation with great professionals a really marketing website has been created, which you can also experience, because you can not wait to read these lines and fill out the registration form. Furthermore, it can be yours for free.
  3. People will give up the consumption of excise goods lastly. Your costumers soon will not be addicted to coffee, but DXN ganoderma coffee. Do you know a more stable business?

We are well aware that online networking has a lot of artifices. Your success is our interest, so can be sure that we teach you everything -  for free - you need to be successful.

Many people join the Multi Level Marketing (MLM) business for valid reasons. Statistics from International Trade Industry show that Malaysia is one of the 14 countries in the world that has achieved a turnover in billions of US Dollars annually from the MLM industry alone. Here at DXN, MLM products are so numerous that one can hardly avoid getting involved in this industry one way or another. As such, a wise move for you is to jump on the bandwagon: join as a member of DXN and reap the manifold benefits. You will gain much wealth, health, and friends from your network.

If you are READY to build your DREAMS now, then we can help you. In DXN ONLINE NETWORKING, You don’t have to be Great to StartYou have to Start to be Great.
So let’s do it.

Send me an email me for more informations and confirmations: EMAIL ME HERE!
You may also contact directly my business partners and leaders below if you are in that country:

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Dr. Asma Munir ( MBBS, MCPS-OBGYN, MCPC,F. MED) Part 3

Dr. Asma Munir ( MBBS, MCPS-OBGYN, MCPC,F. MED) Part 4

Dr. Asma Munir ( MBBS, MCPS-OBGYN, MCPC,F. MED) Part 5

Dr. Asma Munir ( MBBS, MCPS-OBGYN, MCPC,F. MED) Part 6

Dr. Asma Munir ( MBBS, MCPS-OBGYN, MCPC,F. MED) Part 7

Dr. Asma Munir ( MBBS, MCPS-OBGYN, MCPC,F. MED) Part 8

Dr. Asma Munir ( MBBS, MCPS-OBGYN, MCPC,F. MED) Part 9

Dr. Asma Munir ( MBBS, MCPS-OBGYN, MCPC,F. MED) Part 10

A Network Marketing Wake Up Call

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Tea Tree Cream

Tea Tree Cream
Made from freshly harvested foliage of tea tree which is famous for its ability to fight and prevent infections.
Excellent for skin hygiene and protection:...
Tea Tree Cream is a soothing skin cream prepared using pure tea tree oil. The oil is highly lipophilic (attracted to fats, solvent) and it is rapidly absorbed through intact skin. Tea Tree Cream is suitable for skin hygiene and protection. This preparation is safe for whole family.

Tea Tree Cream relieves rashes, skin irritations, insect bites, itching, and minor cuts. Tea Tree Cream has herbal extracts that aid in healing. An antiseptic cream with TEA TREE OIL and HERBAL EXTRACTS with soothing and cooling action relieves minor skin irritations such as rashes, minor cuts, sunburn, scratches and insect bites.
Apply directly to affected area. Avoid contact with the eyes.
Formulation Detail:
This cream contains 5% high quality oil of Melaleuca Alternifolia in a soothing water based emollient cream. It contains Vitamin E and herbal extracts which aid in healing.
Tea Tree Oil Information:
If using Tea Tree Oil for the first time, a small patch test on the inside of the arm may be indicated if there is any concern about possible side effects. Although at this concentration it is unlikely any form of skin irritancy might occur, there is always the possibility that a person may have any allergic response to the product (as with any therapeutic). Normal precautions should be taken which include noting if any redness or skin irritation develops or persists. In such a case, discontinuing use will cause the skin to revert to normal.
•Tea tree cream has a soothing and cooling effect on inflamed skin.
•It can be used as diaper change lotion.
•It can be massaged into sore joints for relief from discomfort.
•It presents all the benefits of tea tree oil in a mild form ideal for sensitive skin.
•Contains 5% tea tree oil, a therapeutic dose.
•Has proved beneficial in treating psoriasis and dermatitis.
•Free from any animal by-products.
•This product is non-greasy and is readily absorbed into the skin.
•The healing properties of tea tree oil are easily carried over large areas of skin, making it ideal for all types of rashes and skin irritations.
•Its emollient action makes it an ideal lubricant for massaging sore joints so that its healing properties penetrate and soothe.
•Use Tea Tree Cream to reduce the likelihood of ingrown hairs if used after waxing.
•Can be used wherever “first aid cream” would be used.

( An MBA Sharing His Experience ) Mr Mukesh Verma & DXN



· Use as normal toothpaste (squeeze only half on the toothbrush and brush as per normal)
· Swollen / bleeding gums (apply some on the swollen / bleeding gum)
· Eliminates bad breath after meal / smokes (suck a bit of the toothpaste as mints or sweets)
· Quench thirst (suck and swallow)
· Cure mouth ulcer (apply a little bit on the affected area)
· Chapped lips (apply the Ganozhi on the lips)
· Pain killer for toothache (clean the affected tooth and put Ganozhi into it)
· Suffers burn / scald from hot oil or hot water (apply small amount of Ganozhi on the affected area)
· Burnt skin (apply small amount on the affected area)
· Blisters (apply small amount on the affected area)
· Small cuts (apply small amount on the affected area)
· Sun Burn (apply small amount on the affected area)
· Reduces scars (apply small amount on the affected area)
· Reduces black spot on skin (apply small amount on the affected area)
· Smelly feet (mix with warm water and soak)
· Body Odour (apply small amount on the affected area)
· Nail injuries (apply small amount on the affected area before it swells or bleeds)
· Crackled heels (rub small amount on the affected area)
· Gaut (rub small amount on the affected area. mixed with warm water and soak the feet to remove toxic)
· Insects bite (apply small amount on the affected area)
· Fish or aquatic animals sting (apply small amount on the affected area)
· Headache (apply small amount on the pulse)
· Migraine (rinse a mixture of water and Ganozhi on the head. Leave it on for 10 minute then wash)
· Stress / Hypertension (rinse a mixture of water and Ganozhi all over the body. Leave it on for 10 minute then wash)
· Abscess (apply around it. Not on it)
· Coughing (consume and apply on the neck / rinse your mouth with the mixture of ganozhi and warm water)
· Pityriasis versicolor / ringworm (clean and apply on the affected areas)
· Shingles (apply on the affected area)
· Scabies (apply on the affected area)
· Warts (peel it and apply on the affected area)
· Joint pain / arthritis (apply on the affected area)
· Sprains (apply on the affected area)
· Cramp (apply on the affected area)
· Back Pain (apply on the affected area and massage)
· Facial Cleanser (mix with water and cleanse)
· Acne / Pimples (use Ganozhi as Facial Wash)
· Flu (apply around the nose / mix with hot water then inhale the steam)
· Nose bleeds (rinse the mixture of Ganozhi and water on the head and apply it around the neck)
· Sinuses (mix Ganozhi with hot water and inhale the steam. Do this before sleep)
· Allergy / sneezing nonstop (mix Ganozhi with hot water and inhale the steam. Do this before sleep)
· Rash (apply on the affected area)
· Reduces fever (mix Ganozhi with water and apply to the whole body. Leave it to dry)
· Helps children with “bed-wetting” (apply on the genitals before bed)
· Constipation / Stomach-ache (mix Ganozhi with warm water and apply on the abdominal)
· Abdominal distension (apply on the abdominal)
· Hysteria (apply on the hand and feet)
· Nausea and vomiting (drink the mixture of Ganozhi with warm water and also apply on the head, chest and abdominal)
· Asthma ( massage on the chest and back)
· Hemorrhoid (apply on the affected area)
· Swollen Genital (apply on the affected area)
· Menstrual (apply on the abdominal and vagina)
· Leucorrhcea / whites (wash the vagina with the mixture of Ganozhi and water)
· Circumcision (apply on the wound. In addition apply a bit of RG for watery wound and GL for dried wound)
· Erectile dysfunction (apply on the penis)
· Food (can be consume for food supplement if in a desperate situation)
For massage usage, Ganozhi must be mix with water. For best result add some Gano Massage Oil.
Ganozhi is considered safe to be used on animals
Benefits or dxn ganozhi toothpaste.
· Use Axis Normal Toothpaste (squeeze only half on the toothbrush and brush ash per normal)
· Swollen / bleeding gums (apply some on the swollen / bleeding gum)
· Eliminates bad breath after meal / smokes (suck a bit or the toothpaste axis mints or sweets)
· Quench Thirst (suck and swallow)
· Cure Mouth Ulcer (apply a little bit on the affected area)
· Chapped Lips (apply the ganozhi on the lips)
· Pain Killer for toothache (clean the affected tooth and pit ganozhi into it)
· Suffers burn / scald from hot oil or hot water (apply small amount or ganozhi on the affected area)
· Burnt Skin (apply small amount on the affected area)
· Blisters (apply small amount on the affected area)
· Small cuts (apply small amount on the affected area)
· Sun Burn (apply small amount on the affected area)
· Reduces Scars (apply small amount on the affected area)
· Reduces Black spot on skin (apply small amount on the affected area)
· Smelly Feet (Mix with warm water and soak)
· Body Coordinatesthe ' Odour (apply small amount on the affected area)
· Nail Injuries (apply small amount on the affected area before it swells or bleeds)
· Crackled Heels (rub small amount on the affected area)
· Gaut (rub small amount on the affected area. Mixed with warm water and soak the feet to remove toxic)
· Insect Bite (apply small amount on the affected area)
· Fish or aquatic animals sting (apply small amount on the affected area)
· Headache (apply small amount on the pulse)
· Migraine (Rinse a mixture or water and ganozhi on the head. Leave it on for 10 minute then wash)
· Stress / Hypertension (Rinse a mixture or water and ganozhi all over the body. Leave it on for 10 minute then wash)
· Abscess (apply around it. Not on it)
· Coughing (earli and apply on the neck / rinse your mouth with the mixture or ganozhi and hot water)
· Pityriasis Versicolor / ringworm (clean and apply on the affected areas)
· Shingles (apply on the affected area)
· Scabies (apply on the affected area)
· Wart (Peel it and apply on the affected area)
· Joint Pain / Arthritis (apply on the affected area)
· Sprains (apply on the affected area)
· Cramp (apply on the affected area)
· Back Pain (apply on the affected area and massage)
· Facial Cleanser (Mix with water and cleanse)
· Acne / pimples (use ganozhi axis facial wash)
· Flu (apply around the nose / mix with hot water then inhale the steam)
· Nose Bleeds (Rinse the mixture or ganozhi and water on the head and apply it around the neck)
· Sinuses (mix ganozhi with hot water and inhale the steam. Do this before sleep)
· Allergy / sneezing nonstop (mix ganozhi with hot water and inhale the steam. Do this before sleep)
· Rash (apply on the affected area)
· Reduces fever (mix ganozhi with water and apply to the whole body. Leave it to dry)
· Helps children with " Bed-wetting ' (apply on the genitals before bed)
· Constipation / stomach-ache (mix ganozhi with warm water and apply on the abdominal)
· Abdominal Distension (apply on the abdominal)
· HYSTERIA (apply on the hand and feet)
· Nausea and experience (drink the mixture or ganozhi with warm water and also apply on the head, chest and abdominal)
· Asthma (massage on the chest and back)
· Hemorrhoid (apply on the affected area)
· Swollen Genital (apply on the affected area)
· Menstrual (apply on the abdominal and vaginal)
· Leucorrhcea / White's (wash the vaginas with the mixture or ganozhi and water)
· Circumcision (apply on the wound. In addition apply a bit or rg for watery wound and gl for dried wound)
· Erectile Dysfunction (apply on the penises)
· Food (can be earli for food supplement if in a desperate situation)
For massage usage, ganozhi must be mix with water. For best result shall add some gano massage oil.
Ganozhi is considered safe to be used on animals



Friday, July 15, 2016

Benefits of DXN Cocozhi

DXN COCOZH Cocozhi is formulated from the finest cocoa with Ganoderma extract. It is in a ready to drink powdered form, which gives you a chocolate taste. Aside from the fine cocoa aroma, you can also enjoy the benefits of Ganoderma. Just pour the contents in a hot cup of water and stir to enjoy an invigorating drink suitable for the whole family

DXN Cocozhi Cocoa flavored beverage with ganoderma extract. Cocozhi is formulated from the finest cocoa with Ganoderma extract. It is in a ready to drink powder form which gives you a chocolate taste. Aside from the fine cocoa aroma, you can also enjoy the benefits of Ganoderma. Just pour the contents in a hot cup of water and stir to enjoy a refreshing drink which is suitable for the whole family. From the inviting aroma of the finest cocoa, to the various vitamins bursting from its Ganoderma content, DXN Cocozhi is an awesome treat with a great chocolaty taste! Best for either hot or cold.

Benefits of DXN Cocozhi
1. Rich in Flavanoids One of the main ingredients of cocoa is flavonoids which are known to boost levels of nitric oxide, a chemical that helps dilate blood vessels and increase blood flow throughout and gives comfort to the Heart, brain and body. flavonoids act as natural antioxidants, combating the cellular damage inflicted by disease-causing free radicals.

2. Rich in Antioxidants Diets rich in antioxidants can help reduce the risk of cancer, cardiovascular disease and Alzheimer's. Cocoa powder has two to three times more antioxidants than a glass of red wine, and as much as five times more than a cup of black tea.

3. Contains Ganocelium Drinking a cup of cocoa may boost our brainpower.

4. Rich in High-density lipoprotein (HDL) Cocoa consumption has been shown to increase levels of heart-healthy high-density lipoprotein (HDL) and reduce levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL), a type of cholesterol known to contribute to cardiovascular disease. DXN cocozi has both cocoa and ganoderma extract which contains adenosine (another important antioxidant) . So drinking a cup of hot DXN Cocozi will have double health benefit. Ingredients: Creamer, sugar, skimmed milk powder, malt extract. cocoa, ganoderma extract and permitted flavour(vanilla).

Cacao / Cocoa Powder is a Super Superfood Giving Remarkable Health Benefits

DXN MycoVeggie

DXN Myco Veggie is a specially formulated high dietary fibre food mixed from a wide range of vegetables, mushrooms, herbs, fruits and spices. It is sugar-free, cholesterol-free, low in fat and sodium, high in vitamin C, high in calcium, high in iron and contains various nutrients. It is an easy-to-serve supplement anytime and anywhere.

MyCo Veggie Detoxifies Toxins MyCo Veggie helps body detoxification by gently cleansing the digestive tracts and promoting waste elimination through bowels. It may also be used as a substitute for meals as part of a weight control program. The Meal that will end all Meals.

When you eat DXN Myco Veggie – you are eating the most nutrients ingredients of

1. vegetables,
2. mushrooms,
3. herbs,
4. fruits and spices,
5. Spirulina, 6. Noni Leaf,
7. Lion’s Mane,
8. Psyllium Grain,
9. Celery,
10. Mulberry Leaf,
11. Gingko leaf,
12. Ginger,
13. Lemon Grass,
14. Shiitake Mushroom,
15. Lyophillum Mushroom,
16. St. George’s Mushroom,
17. Elm Oyster Mushroom,
18. Grey Oyster Mushroom,
19. Split Gill Mushroom,
20. Sweet Corn,
21. Lime,
22. Orange,
23. Green Tea,
24. Pericarpium Citri Reticulatea,
25. Star Anise,
26. Clove,
27. Cinnamon.

Preparation Instructions 1 scoop (5g) of MycoVeggie:
A glass of cold or warm water: Stir well & consume immediately. Once opened refrigerate/keep in a cool dry place. Nutrition Facts: Serving Size 1 scoop (5g) Servings Per Container 80 Per 100g - Per Serving - (5g) Energy - 360 kcal - 18 kcal Total carbohydrate - 86.0g - 4.3g Sugar - 0.0g - 0.0g Protein - 2.8g - 0.1g Total Fat - 1.0g - 0.1g Cholesterol - 0.0mg - 0.0mg Dietary Fibre - 78.0g - 3.9g Sodium - 86.0mg - 4.3mg

Other Benefits Of MyCo Veggie What other benefits you will get and enjoy from eating Myco Veggie?

Psyllium Grain: Treatment of constipation, diarrhea, intestinal disorder syndrome, hemorrhoids, low high-density cholesterol, diabetes, obesity, hypertension, heart disease, colon cancer, joint and urinary tract inflammations (rheumatoid arthritis cystitis, or arthritis) and for nervous exhaustion.

Celery: For joint and urinary tract inflammations (rheumatoid arthritis cystitis, or arthritis) and for nervous exhaustion.
Mulberry Leaf: For • Asthma • Urinary tract infection • Reduces cholesterol rates • Prevents ulcers • Anti-aging factors and progress in age.

Ginkgo: For • Memory enhancer, • Benefits many students & old people • Treatment of Alzheimer’s disease • Anti-vertigo agent. Ginger: For • Effective treatment for nausea especially for pregnant women• Stomach disturbance• Headache• Flu• Treats inflammation• Joint Pain• Lower Cholesterol levels• Detoxification• Reducing weight.

Lemon Grass: (Tanglad) For • Nervous System and Stress.

Shiitake Mushroom: For • Anti-Tumor • Immunological benefits • Anti-Viral properties • Allergies • Arthritis.

Green Tea: • Controls bleeding• Wound healing• Regulates body temperature, blood sugar and promoting digestion.• Prevention fatigue• Improving urinary and brain function it also: • Eases effect of Alcohol • acts as stimulant • Curing blotchiness • Quenching thirst • Eliminating indigestion • Curing beri beri disease.

Pericarpium Citri Reticulatea (Tangerine Dried Peels) Uses: • For vomiting• Phlegm• damp coughs.

Cinammon: For • Toothache • Fights bad breath (halitosis)• Staves off common cold • Aids digestion. Star Anise: For • Colic and rheumatism• Seeds are chewed after meals to aid digestion.

Clove: For anthelmintic toothache. Therefore, consuming DXN Myco Veggie can increase your energy level and benefit your health in the long-run. It is low in fat, sugar-free, cholesterol-free and high in both soluble and insoluble fiber, vitamin C, calcium and iron. It helps body detoxification by gently cleansing the digestive tracts and promoting waste elimination through bowels. It may also be used as a substitute for meals as part of a weight control program. DXN MycoVeggie is the best of source of high quality fiber, which keeps your digestive system healthy. This great product out ranks any other well-known natural diet products in the world. There are hundreds of thousands of people worldwide who are suffering from over weight or obesity which leads to so many diseases.

Here are a few of the many ways how to use this product and get health benefits from it:

1) Take one scoop of DXN MycoVeggie with cold or hot water at least 30 mins. before meals.

2) Take one scoop with cold juice such as our DXN Kiwi juice, DXN Morinzhi, DXN Morinzyme or DXN Cordypine. You may have it also with your favourite natural juice.

3) You may add it to DXN Cocozhi or with any kind of cereal you prefer.

4) You can apply it to your green or any kind of your favorite salad.

5)You can add it to yoghurt, or cucumber and garlic salad.

6) You can mix it with DXN Reishi Powder, DXN Morinzhi or DXN Morinzyme at the same time in a glass of water and drink the mixture early morning or half an hour before your meal.

7) You can add it to your favorite soups.

8) You can mix it with lemon, garlic and olive oil and add little of DXN Morinzhi and salt to make the dressing of your salad.

9) Mix it with milk and cereal or corn flakes. In addition, don’t forget to drink 6 – 8 glasses of water daily

DXN Myco Veggie

DXN Myco Veggie is a specially formulated high dietary fibre food mixed from a wide range of vegetables, mushrooms, herbs, fruits and spices. It is sugar-free, cholesterol-free, low in fat and sodium, high in vitamin C, high in calcium, high in iron and contains various nutrients. It is an easy-to-serve supplement anytime and anywhere. MyCo Veggie Detoxifies Toxins MyCo Veggie helps body detoxification by gently cleansing the digestive tracts and promoting waste elimination through bowels. It may also be used as a substitute for meals as part of a weight control program. The Meal that will end all Meals. When you eat DXN Myco Veggie – you are eating the most nutrients ingredients of
1. vegetables
2. mushrooms
3. herbs
4. fruits and spices
5. Spirulina
6. Noni Leaf
7. Lion’s Mane
8. Psyllium Grain
9. Celery
10. Mulberry Leaf
11. Gingko leaf
12. Ginger
13. Lemon Grass
14. 14. Shiitake Mushroom
15. Lyophillum Mushroom
16. St. George’s Mushroom
17. Elm Oyster Mushroom
18. Grey Oyster Mushroom
19. Split Gill Mushroom
20. Sweet Corn
21. Lime
22. Orange
23. Green Tea
24. Pericarpium Citri Reticulatea
25. Star Anise
26. Clove
27. Cinnamon

Preparation Instructions 1 scoop (5g) of MycoVeggie: A glass of cold or warm water: Stir well & consume immediately. Once opened refrigerate/keep in a cool dry place. Nutrition Facts: Serving Size 1 scoop (5g) Servings Per Container 80 Per 100g - Per Serving - (5g) Energy - 360 kcal - 18 kcal Total carbohydrate - 86.0g - 4.3g Sugar - 0.0g - 0.0g Protein - 2.8g - 0.1g Total Fat - 1.0g - 0.1g Cholesterol - 0.0mg - 0.0mg Dietary Fibre - 78.0g - 3.9g Sodium - 86.0mg - 4.3mg.
Other Benefits Of MyCo Veggie What other benefits you will get and enjoy from eating Myco Veggie? Psyllium Grain: Treatment of constipation, diarrhea, intestinal disorder syndrome, hemorrhoids, low high-density cholesterol, diabetes, obesity, hypertension, heart disease, colon cancer, joint and urinary tract inflammations (rheumatoid arthritis cystitis, or arthritis) and for nervous exhaustion. Celery: For joint and urinary tract inflammations (rheumatoid arthritis cystitis, or arthritis) and for nervous exhaustion. Mulberry Leaf: For • Asthma • Urinary tract infection • Reduces cholesterol rates • Prevents ulcers • Anti-aging factors and progress in age. Ginkgo: For • Memory enhancer, • Benefits many students & old people • Treatment of Alzheimer’s disease • Anti-vertigo agent. Ginger: For • Effective treatment for nausea especially for pregnant women• Stomach disturbance• Headache• Flu• Treats inflammation• Joint Pain• Lower Cholesterol levels• Detoxification• Reducing weight. Lemon Grass: (Tanglad) For • Nervous System and Stress. Shiitake Mushroom: For • Anti-Tumor • Immunological benefits • Anti-Viral properties • Allergies • Arthritis. Green Tea: • Controls bleeding• Wound healing• Regulates body temperature, blood sugar and promoting digestion.• Prevention fatigue• Improving urinary and brain function it also: • Eases effect of Alcohol • acts as stimulant • Curing blotchiness • Quenching thirst • Eliminating indigestion • Curing beri beri disease. Pericarpium Citri Reticulatea (Tangerine Dried Peels) Uses: • For vomiting• Phlegm• damp coughs. Cinammon: For • Toothache • Fights bad breath (halitosis)• Staves off common cold • Aids digestion. Star Anise: For • Colic and rheumatism• Seeds are chewed after meals to aid digestion. Clove: For anthelmintic toothache.
Therefore, consuming DXN Myco Veggie can increase your energy level and benefit your health in the long-run. It is low in fat, sugar-free, cholesterol-free and high in both soluble and insoluble fiber, vitamin C, calcium and iron. It helps body detoxification by gently cleansing the digestive tracts and promoting waste elimination through bowels. It may also be used as a substitute for meals as part of a weight control program.

DXN MycoVeggie is the best of source of high quality fiber, which keeps your digestive system healthy. This great product out ranks any other well-known natural diet products in the world. There are hundreds of thousands of people worldwide who are suffering from over weight or obesity which leads to so many diseases. Here are a few of the many ways how to use this product and get health benefits from it:
1) Take one scoop of DXN MycoVeggie with cold or hot water at least 30 mins. before meals.
2) Take one scoop with cold juice such as our DXN Kiwi juice, DXN Morinzhi, DXN Morinzyme or DXN Cordypine. You may have it also with your favourite natural juice.
3) You may add it to DXN Cocozhi or with any kind of cereal you prefer.
4) You can apply it to your green or any kind of your favorite salad.
5) You can add it to yoghurt, or cucumber and garlic salad.
6) You can mix it with DXN Reishi Powder, DXN Morinzhi or DXN Morinzyme at the same time in a glass of water and drink the mixture early morning or half an hour before your meal.
7) You can add it to your favorite soups.
8) You can mix it with lemon, garlic and olive oil and add little of DXN Morinzhi and salt to make the dressing of your salad.
9) Mix it with milk and cereal or corn flakes. In addition, don’t forget to drink 6 – 8 glasses of water daily

DXN Myco Veggie--The Diet that will end all Diets!


MycoVeggie is a high fiber food supplement carefully prepared from the finest all-natural ingredients. Healthy digestive system.

DXN Myco Veggie--The Diet that will end all Diets

When you eat DXN Myco Veggie – you are eating the most nutrients ingredients of vegetables, mushrooms, herbs, fruits and spices such as, Spirulina, Noni Leaf, Lion’s Mane, Psyllium Grain, Celery, Mulberry Leaf, Gingko leaf, Ginger, Lemon Grass, Shiitake Mushroom, Lyophillum Mushroom, St. George’s Mushroom, Elm Oyster Mushroom, Grey Oyster Mushroom, Split Gill Mushroom, Sweet Corn, Lime, Orange, Green Tea, Pericarpium Citri Reticulatea, Star Anise, Clove and Cinnamon.

It is low in fat, sugar-free, cholesterol-free and high in both soluble and insoluble fiber, vitamin C, calcium and iron.

It helps body detoxification by gently cleansing the digestive tracts and promoting waste elimination through bowels. It may also be used as a substitute for meals as part of a weight control program.

DXN MycoVeggie is the best of source of high quality fiber, which keeps your digestive system healthy.

This great product out ranks any other well-known natural diet products in the world.

There are hundreds of thousands of people worldwide who are suffering from over weight or obesity which leads to so many diseases.

DXN MyCo Veggie Ingredients
What other benefits you will get and enjoy from eating Myco Veggie?

Psyllium Grain: Treatment of constipation, diarrhea, intestinal disorder syndrome, hemorrhoids, low high-density cholesterol, diabetes, obesity, hypertension, heart disease, colon cancer, joint and urinary tract inflammations (rheumatoid arthritis cystitis, or arthritis) and for nervous exhaustion.

Celery: For joint and urinary tract inflammations (rheumatoid arthritis cystitis, or arthritis) and for nervous exhaustion.

Mulberry Leaf: For • Asthma • Urinary tract infection • Reduces cholesterol rates • Prevents ulcers • Anti-aging factors and progress in age.

Ginkgo: For • Memory enhancer, • Benefits many students & old people • Treatment of Alzheimer’s disease • Anti-vertigo agent.

Ginger: For • Effective treatment for nausea especially for pregnant women• Stomach disturbance• Headache• Flu• Treats inflammation• Joint Pain• Lower Cholesterol levels• Detoxification• Reducing weight.

Lemon Grass: (Tanglad) For • Nervous System and Stress.

Shiitake Mushroom: For • Anti-Tumor • Immunological benefits • Anti-Viral properties • Allergies • Arthritis.

Green Tea: • Controls bleeding• Wound healing• Regulates body temperature, blood sugar and promoting digestion.• Prevention fatigue• Improving urinary and brain function it also: • Eases effect of Alcohol • acts as stimulant • Curing blotchiness • Quenching thirst • Eliminating indigestion • Curing beri beri disease. 

Pericarpium Citri Reticulatea (Tangerine Dried Peels) Uses: • For vomiting• Phlegm• damp coughs.

Here are a few of the many ways how to use this product and get health benefits from it:

1) Take one scoop of DXN MycoVeggie with cold or hot water at least 30 mins. before meals.

2) Take one scoop with cold juice such as our DXN Kiwi juice, DXN Morinzhi, DXN Morinzyme or DXN Cordypine. You may have it also with your favourite natural juice.

3) You may add it to DXN Cocozhi or with any kind of cereal you prefer.

4) You can apply it to your green or any kind of your favorite salad.

5) You can add it to yoghurt, or cucumber and garlic salad.

6) You can mix it with DXN Reishi Powder, DXN Morinzhi or DXN Morinzyme at the same time in a glass of water and drink the mixture early morning or half an hour before your meal.

7) You can add it to your favorite soups.

8) You can mix it with lemon, garlic and olive oil and add little of DXN Morinzhi and salt to make the dressing of your salad.

9) Mix it with milk and cereal or corn flakes.

In addition, don’t forget to drink 6 – 8 glasses of water daily.

Nutrition Facts: Serving Size 1 scoop (5g) Servings Per Container 80

Per 100g - Per Serving - (5g)
Energy - 360 kcal - 18 kcal
Total carbohydrate - 86.0g - 4.3g
Sugar - 0.0g - 0.0g
Protein - 2.8g - 0.1g
Total Fat - 1.0g - 0.1g
Cholesterol - 0.0mg - 0.0mg
Dietary Fibre - 78.0g - 3.9g
Sodium - 86.0mg - 4.3mg

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Lingzhi Key Effects

Lingzhi is used very widely. According to the concept of Chinese medicine, Ganoderma lucidum can penetrate into and work on the five key human organs, so it can be served for impairment of the heart, lung, liver, pancreas, and kidney. Ganoderma lucidum can cure the sickness of various human systems including respiratory, circulatory, digestive, neural, endocrine, locomotory, etc, involving medical, surgical, gynecological, paediatric, and ENT. All these are because of its fundamental effect of "supporting the vital essence and securing the root", thus to improve the immune system. It differs from any other medicines that are used to cure specific disease, or supplementary nutrients that only address particular body requirements. Ganoderma lucidum helps regulate entire body mechanism and metabolism to ensure that all organs function properly. Some specific effects of Ganoderma lucidum are as following:

1. Effect on Tumor

Main cause to the development of tumor is the disorder of or poor performing immune system. Ganoderma lucidum can best regulate and activate the immune system. It prominently enhances the body immune function and increase self defense capability against tumor. Ganoderma lucidum enhances the function of monocytic macrophage via activating synthesis of interleukin H. It also enhances blood synthesis capacity, particularly white blood cells level. Combining with the inhibitory effect on cancer cells provided by certain ingredients in Ganoderma lucidum, it becomes one of the most effective medicines for anti-tumor, prevent cancer, and supplement to cancer treatment. Ganoderma lucidum possesses hardly any toxic to uman body. This unique feature of enhancing immunity without toxigenicity is the definite advantage of Ganoderma lucidum over any other immune system intensifier.

2. Liver Protection & Detoxification

Ganoderma lucidum is able to protect the liver from damaged by various physiological and biological factors. Moreover, effect can be obtained either pre-or post-damage. Ganoderma lucidum speeds up metabolism of both medicine and toxic substances in liver, leading to curing of toxicated hepatitis. Ganoderma lucidum is also suitable for treating chronic hepatitis, effectively eliminating the related symptoms as dizzy, fatigue, and so on. Ganoderma lucidum can be used to treat chronic toxicosis, the various kinds of chronic hepatitis, and other hepatic diseases.

3. Effect on Cardiovascular

Clinical studies and experiments with animals confirm that Ganoderma lucidum can effectively dilate coronary artery, increase coronary vessel blood flow, and improve circulation in cardiac muscle capillaries, thus increase the supply of oxygen and energy to cardiac muscle. Therefore Ganoderma lucidum helps to protect the heart from shortage of blood supply, and it is ideal for both curing and preventing heart diseases like nausea. Ganoderma lucidum can obviously reduce the level of blood cholesterol, liporotein and triglycerides in hypertensive patienst. It prevents the formation of arterial atheromatous patches.

If patches are already formed, Ganoderma lucidum will reduce cholesterol in arterial wall and soften the blood vessel to avoid further damage. It also partially improves blood circulation, and inhibits platelet aggregation. All these effects contribute to preventing various kinds of stroke.

4. Aging Prevention

The polysaccharides and polypeptides found in Ganoderma lucidum can effectively delay aging by the following mechanisms.

a. To enhance and regulate immune function. Such enhancement and regulation can effectively delay aging in adult and aged people. For the youngster, the immune system will be optimized to ensure healthy growth.

b. To regulate metabolism and enhance synthesis of nucleic acids and proteins. Research works have shown that Ganoderma lucidum enhances synthesis of nucleic acids and proteins in blood plasma, liver, and bone marrow, hence effectively prevent aging. It is observed that the use of Ganoderma lucidum to prevent aging benefits not only the aged, but also the young, since growth and development process will ultimately lead to aging.

c. Effect on Free Radicals. One cause of aging is the reduction of self-originated antioxidant or antioxidant-like material (such as SOD)in the body. These antioxidants are essential for encountering damage to the body by free radicals. Ganoderma lucidum polysaccharides possess the properties that are very similar to SOD which can remove the free radicals and prevent its damage to the body by stopping over-oxidation of lipid. Such action protects the cells and delays their aging.

d. Ganoderma lucidum polysaccharides prominently enhance DNA synthesis in cell nucleus, and increase the number of cell divisions, which results in delayed aging.

5. Effect on Neurasthenia

In Chinese medication, Ganoderma lucidum has been used to treat neurasthenia and insomnia since it works on the central nervous system. Extract from Ganoderma lucidum can inhibit and reduce the level of body activity. This inhibitory effect is quantitative and is helpful for resuming the order of activity level. The fact that Ganoderma lucidum can delay the death as the result of over-dosage of a central stimulant such as caffeine demonstrates shows that Ganoderma lucidum works on the central nervous system by applying an inhibitory effect.

In ancient Chinese medical publications, Ganoderma lucidum can serve to "stabilize emotion", "increase wisdom", and "enhance memory power". Recently, it is reported that Ganoderma lucidum has prominent effect on insomnia caused by neurasthenia: Effectiveness is 87.14% to 100%.In general, effect becomes obvious after a period of 10 to 15 days, when sleep improved, appetite increased, and body weight gained. Related headache and dizzy will be reduced or stopped. Ganoderma lucidum has a relatively strong effect on the central nervous system that makes Ganoderma lucidum an effective substance for treatment of neurasthenia and insomnia. Ganoderma lucidum is becoming more and more indispensable to the sufferers of neurasthenia and insomnia. To date, the effect of Ganoderma lucidum on neurasthenia and insomnia has been clearly described and stated in the China State pharmacopoeia.

6. Effect on Hypertension

Ganoderma lucidum can effectively reduce blood pressure of an anesthetized rabbit: systolic and diastolic pressure lowered by 15% and 25% respectively. Related neural activity is also inhibited: inhibition is 20% and 40% respectively. According to a report of a hospital, there had been 18 cases of high blood pressure successfully cured by Ganoderma lucidum extract, effectiveness up to 88.9%. It was stated that the effect of reducing blood pressure by Ganoderma lucidum was mainly the result of inhibition to the sympathetic nervous system. From another report, among 30 cases using Ganoderma lucidum products to cure high blood pressure, effectiveness was 88.3%. Moreover, it was found that Ganoderma lucidum also extends and stabilizes the effect of reducing blood pressure of other medicine.

7. Treament of Diabetes

The constitutes in Ganoderma lucidum that reduce blood glucose are Ganoderma B and C. The principle is by enhancing utilization of blood glucose by body tossues. Ganoderma lucidum serves as a substitute to insulin to inhibit release of fatty acids. It thus improves symptoms in high blood glucose and high urine glucose patients. Blood glucose will be reduced from 173 to 116, cholesterol from 233 to 179, beat-protein from 580 to 465. Water-solubility polysaccharides in Ganoderma lucidum suppresse insulin-independent diabetes. The health food products manufactured by Japan Numata Kenji, has been widely used for the treatment of diabetes.

8. Effect on Chronic Bronchitis & Bronchus Asthma

Ganoderma lucidum can stop coughing, clear sputum, and suppress asthma. It also relieves the symptoms of the related illnesses. Since Ganoderma lucidum can activate the immune system, it can prevent from flu, and thus above syndromes. Ganoderma lucidum is particularly suitable for the treatment of the patients categorized as "cold and wet" by Chinese medicine, while for the "hot and dry" patients would be relatively less effective. The average effectiveness is 80%.

9. Effect on Hyper Susceptibility

When the body is invaded by an antigen that ellicits an immunological reactions and results the various abnormality and immuno-pathological symptoms, Ganoderma lucidum can be used to suppress the reactions and resume the body order. The experiment shows that Ganoderma lucidum can stop the release of hyper susceptible factors and prevent the development of allergic reactions. Therefore, Ganoderma lucidum is relatively more effective over other current medicines when treating the illnesses caused by abnormal hyper-reactivity or autoimmunity such as allergic asthma, erythematous lupus vulgaris, rheumatoic arthritis, rheumatoic heart diseases, allergic rhinitis, skin diseases, etc. Ganoderma lucidum can also help to cure the toxification patients as the result of pro-longed usage of hormones.

10. Effect on Beauty Care

Ganoderma lucidum has been named the "Medicine of Eternal Life". It is mainly contributed to the effect on skin protection, and delaying aging. Ganoderma lucidum can retain and regulate the water in skin and thus can keep the skin elasticity, hydrated and smooth. It also inhibits the formation and deposition of melanin in skin. Today, the beauty care products made from Ganoderma lucidum are becoming the new stars in the industry. Taking Ganoderma lucidum food products will obtain synergistic effect. To add Ganoderma lucidum into the bath will not only keep the skin smooth and lustrous, but also prevent it from bacterial infection.

In addition to the above effects, Ganoderma lucidum stimulates blood synthesis in bone marrow and increase WBC level, which make it suitable for the treatment of low WBC symptom caused by over dosage of radiation and blood diseases, etc. By enhancing the body immune system, Ganoderma lucidum can defend the body from viral infections like AIDS virus. Ganoderma lucidum also promotes tolerance of the body to adverse environment. It suppresses over contraction of smooth muscle in uterus to remedy the functional uterine bleeding. Ganoderma lucidum is also effective for the pigment denaturation in retina, the underdeveloped brain, as well as abnormal muscular development. Ganoderma lucidum is also an effective pain reliever for headache, neural pain, cancer pain, etc.