Thursday, July 2, 2015

Do you want to protect yourself from diseases?

Do you want to protect yourself from diseases?
We are undergoing a crucial “Health Revolution”. People all over the world are increasingly becoming more conscious about their own health and the responsibility to maintain it. Yet, the eating habits and nutritional trend of today’s population is predisposed to a diet which is high in fat, cholesterol, sugar, and chemical additives.
A life of pain and suffering included with a large medical bill is something that no one looks forward to. 1 out of 6 people are diagnosed with diabetes. 1 out of 3 males and 1 out of 2 females will be diagnosed with cancer in their lives. 1 out of every 4 people will die from cancer this year. Every 7, minutes someone dies from a heart related disease.
Do you still want to protect yourself from diseases? What are you doing to not be part of these statistics? Proper protection will only come with proper knowledge and awareness of what is causing the diseases and what can be done to avoid them.
Do you know why people fall sick?
The two main causes of all diseases and illnesses are linked to excessive:
i. Toxins: there are more than 72,000 toxins in the world that go inside our body from the food we eat, the water we drink, and the air we breathe. All these toxins accumulate and eventually lead to an illness. The build-up of toxins causes the body to get acidic, damages the cells in our bodies, weakens the immune system, and slowly deteriorates the body from the inside. Keep filling a balloon with air and eventually it will burst. Similarly, we keep filling our bodies with toxins and eventually it bursts, resulting in people getting sick and ill at an alarmingly high rate.
ii. Body Imbalance: this can be in the form of hormonal imbalance, functional imbalance, or other imbalances that prevents our body and its’ organs to operate in a natural manner. All our organs are designed to perform specific functions and once they are unable to do that, we get sick. This is as simple as it gets. You can read medical articles and journals, consult with doctors and do your own research, and you will find out that all diseases and illnesses will come down because of the above mentioned causes. Understanding these two causes and how to properly deal with them is the deciding factor on how healthy your life will be.
How can you avoid diseases?
The first step you need to take to avoid diseases is to understand the two main causes mentioned above, and then alter your lifestyle accordingly. Avoiding diseases and staying healthy is not something that you can do overnight or with a “magic pill”. It is a lifestyle decision that requires you to change the way you live, most importantly paying close attention to the food you eat and what you put inside your body. The following preventive methods will definitely help you start living a healthy life:
i. Water: the most important and refreshing nutrient known to mankind. 70% of our body and 95% of our blood is made up of water, so drinking plenty of water will keep your body healthy and help eliminate the buildup of toxins.
ii. Nutrients: consume a balanced diet that includes all essential amino acids, vitamins, and minerals to keep your body healthy.
iii. Alkalinity: highly acidic bodies create a home for illnesses to grow. The Cancer Foundation, doctors, and other organizations stress that an individual needs to eat 4 servings of alkaline food to every 1 serving of acidic food.
So, what is acidic food? Soda, coffee, alcohol, meat, chicken, fries, burgers, etc., are all examples of acidic foods. And what is alkaline food? These include fresh fruits and vegetables that have not been sprayed with pesticide or insecticides, and have not been injected with growth hormones (organic fruits and vegetables). So how many of us are actually eating 4 alkaline to every one serving of acidic food? The emphasis in our diet should be on alkaline foods to balance our pH levels in the body so we do not fall ill.
iv. Exercise: just a simple 20 minute exercise can do wonders for your body. It will help with proper blood flow and circulation, ensure that all bodily parts are working properly, and improve your overall health.
v. Food supplements: there are a variety of supplements targeted towards reducing your body’s acidic levels, decreasing toxins, balancing bodily functions, and targeting the root causes of the diseases. Look for supplements that work on a cellular level and facilitate the proper functioning of the whole body – and once you find them: start taking them as soon as possible, take them often and take them regularly.
Food supplements and how they work in your body?
The demand for Natural Foods and Dietary/Food supplements is growing dramatically with increased awareness. Few of the key ones are:
  • Ganoderma Lucidum
  • Spirulina
  • Morinzhi
Ganoderma, Spirulina, and Morinzhi are to be consumed as a Co-active therapy in addition to the medical treatment, whichever is the line of medicine. All these herbs are quite safe to patients, even on long term consumption and even at higher dosage of consumption.
These natural products by themselves do not cure any diseases, but it is the body which cures itself of disease when it is cleansed, regulated, rebuilt, and rejuvenated – and brought to a balanced condition. Intake of these natural products assists the body in achieving this balance

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