Notes for Medicos and Professionals in the lines of
Pharmaceuticals, Biochemistry / Life-Sciences and Bio-Researchers
(November 2011)
Ganoderma lucidum (REISHI or LINGZHI) is a powerful herb which has many beneficial effects in our body. The therapeutic effects of Reishi are due to the powerful ingredients (more than 250). Reishi is being used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) as a powerful herb (drug) for more than 5000 years. Because of its powerful healing effects it has been called as King of Herbs and Herb of immortality.
Ganoderma lucidum (REISHI or LINGZHI) is a powerful herb which has many beneficial effects in our body. The therapeutic effects of Reishi are due to the powerful ingredients (more than 250). Reishi is being used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) as a powerful herb (drug) for more than 5000 years. Because of its powerful healing effects it has been called as King of Herbs and Herb of immortality.
Reishi is a basidiomycete, lamellaless fungus belonging to the family
of polyporaceae . In nature, it grows in densely wooded forests of high
humidity and dim lighting. It is rarely found and flourishes mainly on
the dried trunks of plum, guercus serrata or pasonia trees. Out of
10,000 such trees perhaps 2 or 3 will have Reishi growth. Reishi has
been recorded to have the most powerful healing effects in Chinese
pharmacopeia written in first century B.C. Modern research has made
possible to cultivate reishi since 1972 and it is made available to
everyone now. A number of developed countries are now conducting
sophisticated research in reishi to study its therapeutic effects.
The ingredients in Reishi are classified under 5 major groups:
Some of the sub-fractions of the ingredients exert powerful
biological effects in our body
- Ganodelan A,B,C - Hypoglycemic
- Ganoderic acids - ACE inhibiting effect-reduces BP, Anti-tumor effect & immune - stimulant Cholesterol synthesis inhibition
- Lanostan - Anti-allergic
- Cyclooctosulphur - Anti-allergic
- G-A Betaglucan - Anti-tumor
- Beta D glucan - Anti-inflammatory
- G-Z - Anti-tumor
- Lingzhi 8 - Anti-allergic& Anti-tumor effect
- Adenosine - Anti platelet effect &Vasodilator, Analgesic effect & muscle relaxant
- Uridine, Urasil - Anti-viral
- Ganomycin A&B - Antibiotic
Reishi has very powerful antioxidant effects. It is said that Reishi
is 5 times more powerful than Ginseng. The powerful anti-oxidant effect
is translated into health benefits. Anti-oxidants play a major role in
the elimination of “free radicals” which are harmful to our body.
Excessive free radicals production in our body can damage the cells lead
to diseases like Heart attack, Arthritis ,Cancer etc. Reishi being a
powerful anti-oxidant can act as anti-ageing. Reishi being a powerful
antioxidant can be used to prevent these diseases.
Reishi has very powerful effects on the immune system and it is a
powerful immune-modulator. It enhances the immunity by increasing the
production of Interleukin 1&2 and Interferon. By this effect it can
protect us ,especially children from very many infections.A group of
chemicals known as Ganoderic acids and Polysacharides have immuno-regulating
effects and this effect can help in Autoimmune disorders(eg: Rheumatoid
arthritis).By enhancing our immunity Reishi can kill cancer cells and
this is a very powerful effect which can be used in the management of
cancer.Reishi has anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties. This effect
can protect children from very many infections, especially in
malnourished children.
Reishi has powerful anti-inflammatory properties. This effect has
been used in the teatment of inflammatory disorders to control pain and
swelling(eg. Arthritis).Reishi is a natural pain killer with
safety.Since we know that pain killers are toxic, Reishi can be used as
effective safe pain killer.The anti-inflammatory effect has been proved
to be beneficial in the treatment of inflammatory brain diseases like
Alzheimers ,Parkinsonism and degenerative diseases of the brain.
Reishi contains Adenosine and Guanosin which have antiplatelet
effect. This anti-platelet effect can prevent clotting of blood and
reishi can be used for prevention of heart attack. Reishi has
vasodilatory effects especially on the micro-circulation.This effect
helps to increase the blood flow to various organs and tissues. Adequate
blood flow is absolutely necessary for any organ function, especially in
old age. Reishi by improving the blood flow can protect various organ
Triterpines have been identified in Reishi which have ACE (Angiotensin
Converting Enzyme) inhibiting effects.Ganoderic acid fraction F has the
highest effect .ACE Inhibiting effect reduces Blood Pressure and also
helps the heart in improving the pumping function (cntraction).Reishi
balances the Blood Pressure and helps to maintain normal BP.
LANOSTAN present Reishi has anti-allergic effect. Reishi stabilizes
the mast cells which is a source of various chemical substances
mediating allergy. Reishi is able to control and give excellent relief
in various allergic disorders(skin, nasal, bronchial allergies).Many
allergic disorders are caused by chemicals and toxins present in our
food and atmosphere. Children are very sensitive to these substances and
these allergens cause various allergic diseases in children.Reishi being
an effective anti-allergic agent is able to give relief in these
conditions and also detoxifies these chemicals which are responsible for
allergic disorders.
Reishi has powerful anti-cancer effects. This was first discovered in
Japan in 1977.The polysaccharide fraction has the highest anticancer
effect. Reishi has been approved as a supplement drug to be used in
cancer treatment in Japan. Reishi can reduce the side effects of
chemotherapy and radiation therapy in cancer treatment. It can help to
reduce pain and prevent metastasis. Even in terminal cases of cancer
reishi can help to relive the pain and also give a sense of well being
and improve quality of life. In psoriasis where there is rapid turnover
of cells Reishi can be very effective. Many research papers are
available in the literature which document the effect of Reishi in
cancer treatment. In cancer treatment Ganoderma (Reishi-RG/GL) must be
given in very high doses.
Reishi reduces blood sugar levels. Ganodelan A&B present in reishi
act as hypoglycemic agents. It increases the production of insulin
by the beta cells of the pancreas. The ACE-I effect causes insulin
sensitizing effect and helps the available insulin to act better. This
effect is very helpful in diabetic patients. Many of the vascular
complications of diabetes can be prevented or postponed by consuming
Reishi reduces both cholesterol and triglycerides levels in the
Reishi has many powerful effects on the brain. It regularizes sleep
function.Reishi stimulates various brain functions-memory, alertness and
has calming effect on the brain. This relieves the stress, which is the
fundamental cause for various diseases.
Reishi can improve Spiritual potency and has been called as
“Spiritual herb”. This effect can be helpful in various stress
induced/related illnesses and Psycosomatic disorders. Chinese Buddhist
monks have consumed Ganoderma for improving the spirituality.
Reishi improves digestion function and regularizes bowel movements.
Reishi normalizes various hormonal levels and this helps in
infertility. Reishi is an excellent regulator of various body functions.
One of the major effect of Reishi is detoxification and helps liver
and kidneys to eliminate toxins from our body. When toxins are removed
our body health is protected and disease is cured. We consume various
kinds of toxins in our food, air and water. We are exposed to
atmospheric pollutants and consume toxins like pesticides and artificial
manures and colouring agents in food. When these toxins accumulate in
our body they lead to disease .Children are exposed to these toxins
which have dangerous effects on their body and disease strikes them when
they are young. Reishi by detoxifying these harmful chemicals, protects
children and adults from various diseases.
Reishi is a powerful Adaptogen. Adaptogen is a substance which is
non-toxic, non-specific and has overall normalizing effect on the body.
Reishi is no.1 Adaptogen. Reishi normalizes various body functions and
has no toxic effects. This Adaptogenic effect can be used to treat and
prevent disorders /diseases, especially in old age.
DXN produces and markets high quality Ganoderma. DXN markets Reishi
Gano (RG) and Ganocelium (GL). GL is produced from the Mycelium of
Ganoderma after 20 days of growth. GL contains 4 times concentration of
Polysaccharides and organic Germanium, which are important for children
for development of brain and immune system. Hence GL is given
Dosage of RG/GL
- 1st Week 1 Pair (1 RG,1 GL) a day
- 2nd Week 2 Pairs(2RG,2GL) a day
- 3rd Week 4 Pairs(4 RG,4GL) a day
- 4th Week 6 Pairs(6RG,6GL) a day
Maintain this dosage- 6 pairs RG/GL a day for 6 months. Then the
dosage may be reduced to a minimum maintenance dose of 3 pairs of RG/GL
a day.
RG/GL can be taken as a single dose or in multiple doses.
Mega dosage is advised in severe and serious diseases like Cancer. A
dosage of 15 to 30 pairs of RG/GL a day is recommended for the maximum
effect. This high dosage must be continued for 6 months to 1 year.
For Healthy people it is sufficient to consume 1 to 2 pairs of RG/GL
a day. Unhealthy people must take 3 to 6 pairs of RG/GL a day.
Reishi should be taken as a supplement to any other form of
treatment. The medications prescribed by Doctor ( Physician) must be
There are no serious side effects of consuming RG/GL.
Ailment reflection may be experienced while consuming RG/GL; but,
this may not warrant stopping of consuming RG/GL. When it occurs the
dosage of RG/GL may be reduced.
RG/GL can be consumed by all ‘Age-groups’. From the 1st day of an
Infant onwards.
Ganoderma extract is mixed with Coffee, Tea and Cocoa and given as
beverages. Consuming these beverages with Ganoderma gives a range of
health benefits.
RG/GL is marketed as food supplement in all the countries including
the USA.
In India it is marketed as Ayurvedic Proprietary Medicine.
In Singapore, it is marketed under the license, as Traditional
Chinese Medicine(TCM).
For more information and research papers on Ganoderma, following
websites are available:
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(We gratefully acknowledge the contribution by Dr.S.RANJAN
MD.,DM.(Card), for the above compilation – July 2010)
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